KKK vs. Nazis-at a deaf college
I've seen a lot of weird stories over my lifetime, but I'm not sure I understand this one. According to CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/04/deafschool.racial.incident/index.html?iref=werecommend), a group of seven students at Model Secondary School for the Deaf in Washington, D.C. held down a student and drew KKK and Nazi signs on him. Apparently, a dispute had risen between two groups in the dorms who called themselves "Nazis" and "KKK," according to the story.
What makes the story interesting is that probably not that the student who was held down was black, but that one of the kids holding him down was black. Was it a misunderstanding of history by that student? Was he part of the Nazi group and supporting the swastikas being drawn, and then there goes a KKK symbol, but hey who cares? Is there a chance that some of these teenagers are possibly mentally deformed and don't really know what's going on?
Two feuding groups can have a good time, but there is a line. That line was crossed when they named their groups "KKK" and "Nazi." Does this school not have any kind of active RA supervision? How in the world these kind of things happen is beyond me, but schools that are for the hearing impaired have to stay on top of these kinds of situations before they ever happen.
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